8th European Gliding Championships

Bulletin Number 4

Helsinki 16.2.1996

Only three months to go. We are busy with fine-tuning everything to offer you a fun and memorable competition. You are busy with your preparations. The last weeks will run away quickly. This Bulletin Number 4 includes a tight package of important information. Read everything carefully. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help you. This Bulletin is sent to all NACs and the Team Captains. It is their responsibility to distribute the information to the pilots and crew members.

The deadline of the final entries passed on Jan 31. As I expected we had some no-shows. The total number of entries is now 100, which was our target. We can now confirm one reserve pilot per country. Also these pilots are included on the enclosed list. The standard of the pilots is of the highest quality. We have five former World and seven European Champions among the participants, not to mention the other medalists.

We are still lacking some data. Please, forward us the missing information as soon as possible. Some of the entry forms were filled by hand-writing. Therefore I ask everybody to check the spelling of the names. We consider it very important to have all the names correct.

Local Rules

One of the most important annexes of this letter is the Rules Booklet. It has two parts: the official Rules of the EGC96 and incorporated Local Rules. The latter part is new. It is as simple as possible. For example, there are no fixed traffic rules at the start point. We believe that the pilots can handle the situation safest without complicated rules to follow.

Pay attention to some points, which have been slightly altered since the previous Championships. In addition to closed speed tasks, we will have distance tasks. They will be time limited prescribed area tasks. Because GNSS black boxes are the main documentation system we will utilize it to the fullest. We will accept GNSS outlandings. If you cannot reach the finish line or a turn point, your outlanding spot is the nearest GNSS fix to next turn point or finish line. Think about this without prejudices. You will find out it is to your advantage.

All the turn point coordinates have been checked to match the WGS84 system. The list is included as an annex in the rules booklet. The official finish time of the flights will come from the GNSS trace, too. The conventional finish line still exists, but only as a backup and for the quick preliminary results.

GNSS Flight Recorders are the primary documentation system

As mentioned before, every pilot must have an IGC approved GNSS flight recorder on board every flight. Pilots can use cameras as back-up, but the films will be developed only, if the GNSS trace is not complete. The pilot cannot decide after flight, which system he wants to use. The GNSS is the only system as long as it works without problems.

We remind you that the competitor is fully responsible for the GNSS Flight Recorder installation. Take care that you have enough electric power to last even on long Finnish summer days. Previous experience tells that the lack of electricity is the problem of the new system, if any.

By the time of this writing the only FR to receive its approval was Cambridge. However, the rumour says that Pesches VP8 is in the final stages of the IGC approval process. It is not known whether any other manufacturer will receive its approval before EGC96.

Sky Tracking may become a reality

One of our main sponsors, is the Finnish private GSM operator, Radiolinja (Europhone). They are negotiating with the local telecommunications authorities to get a permission to use GSM data service to transfer automatic position reports from the gliders. If the negotiations are successful, Radiolinja will sponsor ten complete units to be used in competing gliders. In the best case the audience will have a revolutionary change to follow the tracks of the gliders almost in real time. IGC will discuss the details of using the devices in the March Meeting.

A free Nokia GSM Mobile Phone to every Team Captain

The above mentioned Radiolinja and the local Nokia dealer Mäkitorppa will offer a free Nokia 2110 GSM mobile phone to every Team Captain. These phones will be the primary information feed from the Teams to the Organizers during the competition. Outlanding pilot (if any ;) will call his Team Captain, who in turn will deliver a written outlanding report with the number of turnpoints passed and coordinates of the landing site to the competition office. Simple, isn't it. The offer includes (a limited amount of) phone calls, too.

Mäkitorppa is able to organize the leasing of extra mobile phones, if needed. Let us know as soon as possible your needs. The prices will be competitive.

Gliding Club Lift&Sink is the center of activities

One of the major improvements in Räyskälä is the new Gliding Club Lift&Sink. A special annex will tell more about the possibilities it offers on flying and non-flying days. Don't forget to take your own instruments with you. There will be free jam sessions for those of you who have the gift to play any music.

In addition to food and drinks Lift&Sink will have a small market place with souvenirs etc. for sale. The result monitors are located there, too.

Accommodation and Transportation

Please arrange your accommodation as soon as possible. The information published with Bulletin Number 3 is still valid. There are ample choices for everybody. Several local glider pilots have offered their caravans for lease. The prices and condition of the caravans vary. Some of them are very cheap. Ask Kai Mönkkönen for more details.

The ro-ro ferries from Lübeck are mostly full booked. To our surprise there is no passenger ferry operating between Gdansk (Poland) and Helsinki. Some cargo ships are sailing the route, but we have no detailed information about them. Viking Line from Stockholm to Helsinki and Turku still has limited capacity available. Book as early as possible.

Gliders for rent

We have found a few more gliders for rent. For example World Champion Markku Kuittinen offers his Discus A for rent. A few other fully equipped standard class gliders and at least one LS-6 are still available. Contact Kai Mönkkönen for details.

Results in Internet

Our Press Center is located next to Lift&Sink. It will be equipped with faxes, telephones, computers, copiers etc. All the results will be at hand without delay. The Press Ladies, Riitta Savolainen and Katri Kiiha distribute the results with accompanying stories to domestic and international media immediately.

In addition to normal sources we will exploit the Internet. We have two different WWW home pages. Their addresses are:
Also the USENET news rec.aviation.soaring will have the results.

Entries available at http://www.vitech.fi/~s93060/em96_ent.html until the final entries including gliders and competition numbers is ready.

Our original idea was not to have a Daily Bulletin in site at all. We considered it too expensive and time-consuming. However, we changed our minds. We have excellent copiers, enough computers, printers and paper. The only missing factor is the editor. Even that obstacle may disappear soon. We are currently consulting with a well-known international person, who could take care of the work. Chances are, that these Daily Bulletins will be available in the Net as well.

The contest area on one sheet of map

Just today I saw the first raw copy of the special edition of the Finnish Aeronautical Chart. The Civil Aviation Authorities of Finland have prepared and sponsored a special map of the contest area. The big sheel contains lots of special information including all the turn points. Every pilot will receive a free copy of the map as well as the updated turn point catalogue upon arrival at Räyskälä.

The third party insurance is available in Räyskälä

We told in Bulletin Number 3 that it is not possible to buy a third party insurance in Räyskälä because of EU regulations. Our sponsor, insurance company Pohjola has now solved the problem. They will sell the insurance in Räyskälä before the contest. Still we prefer your own insurance. We as organizers accept any insurance provided the documents prove it is valid in Finland.

A complete weather station on site

The weak point of the pre-Europeans was the missing weather station in Räyskälä. The problem does not exist anymore. We will have a skillful met man with the best equipment on site. The computer is connected to the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Local soundings are made every morning with the Canadian Cu-Sonde system.

The Finnish company Vaisala will provide us with a similar automatic weather station as last year. It gives temperature, dew point, winds, clouds etc. in constant intervals. The same station is used to distribute information concerning the runway in use, launch times, briefing times and other relevant information. Anybody can listen to the information by a normal VHF-radio or a telephone. Enclosed is a brochure with more details about the Vaisala system.

Tapio Savolainen, Kaitalahdentie 31, FIN-00840 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 0 698 0245, fax +358 0 698 1255, mobile +358 500 433 059

8th European Gliding Championships - Bulletin Number 4 on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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