Local Rules For the 8th European Gliding Championships 1996

Original text approved by the EGC-96 jury members and Stewards, 10.2.1996

These Local Rules apply to the 8th European Gliding Championships 1996, Räyskälä, Finland. The Local Rules have been numbered to refer to the rules of the 8th European gliding championships.

The complete information kit including essential information about matters not related to the flying competition will be delivered to each team on arrival in Räyskälä.

If/when you find mistakes, please mail me so I can correct them.


Detailed drawings / pictures of the Finish Lines and the list of radio frequencies to be used will be published later.

Rule 9 Sailplanes And Equipment


Competitors are recommended to provide a valid calibration trace for barographs. The organisers will calibrate all barographs without calibration trace if necessary. IGC approved electronic baroghraphs are accepted.

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Rule 12 Registration


The following documents shall be carried on board the sailplane:

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Rule 13 Briefing


Briefing shall be held each morning, at 1000 hours (LT) in the briefing hangar unless otherwise advised by the organisers.

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Rule 14 Tasks

Tasks will be closed speed circuits or prescribed time limited area distance tasks (cats cradle).

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Rule 15 Safety


Circling inside the radius of 0.5 km from any of the start points is prohibited.

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Rule 16 External Aid To Competitors


The use of mobile-phones in sailplanes during flight is prohibited except possible data transferring of the follow-up systems.

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Rule 17 Championship Officials


Operational decisions will be published on the official information board. In some cases decisions will be distributed directly to Competitors, Team Captains, Stewards and Jury Members.

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Rule 19 Results and prize giving

An audio C-casette tape of the National Anthem is to be provided by each national team and one plus as many National flags as they think they will get medals. So it is the responsibility for each team to provide all national flags needed during the competition.

The organisers will award a trophy to the Team winning the European Soaring Cup. This trophy is to be held until the next European Championships. If the trophy is not competed for at a subsequent European Championship it is to be returned to the Finnish Aeronautical Association, Helsinki, Finland at the expense of the holders.

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Rule 20 Competition Flying Procedures


The gridding will normally commence at 0830. The last time permitted for gridding will normally be ten minutes prior to the commencement of the launching, or as specified at briefing. The grid positions will be numbered.

No vehicles may be used within the flight operations area except for bringing the sailplanes to the grid or from landing place to the parking area. Vehicles are to be clear of the tow planes manouvering area prior to the commencement of the first launch.


During practice period scales and officials will be available at the weighing point every day from 0830 to 1030. The organization will not take responsibility for the results of weighing. All competitors will be weighed separately.

During the competition the organization will pick out a number of gliders for weight check every day when they past the weighing point on their way to the grid.

The competitor does not have to be available during weight check. Weight may also be checked on the grid. The competitor will be informed of the actual weight reading.

If the check shows overweight, penalty points will be given according to the rules.

No adding of ballast is allowed on the grid. Increasing of ballast after a relanding must be performed at the parking area and a new weight check may be required. The competitor must be prepared for the time delay this check may cause.


The planned time for the first launch will be announced at briefing. The actual launch time will be confirmed on 123.45 MHz no later than 10 minutes before launching commences.


Sailplanes landing back during the launch period are to land to

Competitors landing back must call downwind on 123.45 MHz to alert the tow pilots and the ground controllers of their presence.


The GNSS record of the flight shall be used as the primary means of flight verification for scoring. Photographic records of the flight will only be analysed if the GNSS flight record is incomplete. A complete record of the flight may be constructed by combining the GNSS and photographic records provided each record fulfils all the necessary requirements regarding the procedures relevant for the respective records.

Competitors that choose to make a photographic record of the flight are not required to hand in the film after each competition day. However, the sequence of photographs detailed in Rule 22.2 must be completed every day the film is re-used.


Opening of the start shall be announced by radio on 123.45 MHz. A pre-announcement will be made five minutes before the opening of the start, eg: 'Start for the 15m Class will open in five minutes'. The opening announcement will be of the form: 'Start for the 15m Class is now open'.

Ground markers to indicate the opening of the start for each class shall be displayed at the asphalt spot at the mid airfield. The markers will indicate:


The start times communicated to the organisers shall not differ by more than two minutes from the correct start time.


The GNSS start is defined as a cylinder, of 0.5km radius, the centre of which is coincident with the photographic departure (start) point. To record a valid start the sailplane is required to pass through the cylinder.


There will be three finish lines. Details will be published later.


Competitors shall announce their arrival on the finish line frequency of 123.45 MHz when 5 kilometers from the line on final glide. The acceptance reply will be the contest number. They shall provide the following information:


Sailplanes are to be removed from the airfield as soon as practicable after landing.


When contacting the organisers competitors are to provide their:

For telephone outlanding reports this information shall be provided to the organisers by the Team Captain. For this purpose the organizers will supply free GSM mobile phone to each team captain. The Team is to advise the organisers of the outlanding details before leaving Räyskälä airfield.

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Rule 21 GNSS Procedures


The sailplane must pass within 0.5 km of the centre of the designated departure (start) point and turnpoint(s) in the correct sequence to be assessed as having rounded the turnpoint. The centre of each turnpoint is coincident with the respective photographic turnpoint.

GNSS records that show that the sailplane did not pass within 0.5 km of the specified departure (start) point and turnpoint(s) shall be penalised or disallowed as detailed in Rule 18.1. and the appendix to be released later.

To finish the task the sailplane must cross the specified GNSS finish line. Conventional finish line will be used as back up and for preliminary results.

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Rule 22 Photographic Procedures


The camera clock should be set so that the minute changes at the same time as the minute changes on the official clock. The time will be checked occassionally by the organisers.


The normal method of starting will be a GNSS Start. Competitors may choose also to make a photo start as back up if they wish.

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Rule 23 Scoring Systems


GNSS outlanding is permitted. A competitor may pass through any fix (a spot in GNSS trace) and be scored as if that were the landing point, should the distance to that fix yield a greater achieved distance than the actual landing point. A competitor may continue the task or land elsewhere after passing any such fix.

A GNSS outlanding must be claimed on the outlanding certificate when handing in the flight documentation at the end of the flight. Only one GNSS outlanding can be claimed on any task, and the GNSS record must show this fix to be in the correct sequence.

Also photo outlanding is permitted. A competitor may photograph any clearly marked point at the map and be scored as if that were the landing point, should the distance to that point yield a greater achieved distance than the actual landing point. A competitor may continue the task or land elsewhere after passing any such point.

A photo outlanding must be claimed on the outlanding certificate when handing in the flight documentation at the end of the flight. Only one photo outlanding can be claimed on any task, and the photographic record must show this turnpoint to be in the correct sequence.

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8th European Gliding Championships - Local Rules booklet on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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*Soaring website