I watched a show with traditional dancers, music, and performers. It was very interesting. Here are some pictures.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Traditional Performance at Victoria Falls

Dancers Traditional Costume Ones
Dancers in traditional costume. These and the ones in the following five pictures are Makishi dancers, mostly from the Luvale tribe. They live in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Angola. (1114k)
Dancers Traditional Costume
Dancers in traditional costume. (1079k)
Dancers Traditional Costume
Dancers in traditional costume. (722k)
Dancer Traditional Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. (606k)
Dancer Traditional Costume Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. This costume emphasized and exaggerated the breast. (1062k)
Drummer. (894k)
Players Warmed Drums Open
The players warmed their drums on an open fire before they used them. (713k)
Dancers Stilts
Dancers on stilts. (660k)
Dancer Traditional Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. (926k)
Dance Group Ones Following
A dance group. These and the ones in the following two pictures are Shangani dancers. They are from Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe. (796k)
Dancer Traditional Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. (994k)
Dancer Traditional Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. (835k)
Dancer Traditional Costume
Dancer in traditional costume. (602k)
Closeup Dancer Traditional Costume
Closeup of dancer in traditional costume. (790k)
Weight Lifting Young Kid
Weight lifting. He was a young kid, maybe 15 years old. He grabbed a triangular iron bar with his teeth. The iron bar weighed about 12 kg (26 lb). (741k)
Adult Lifted 40 kg 90 lb
The adult lifted a 40 kg (90 lb) bar with his teeth. We checked the bars and they were really that heavy. (752k)

This page contains 16 pictures

Vic Falls
Main page for Zimbabwe/Zambia

Page last updated on Mon Sep 23 13:34:24 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

Traditional Dancers at Victoria Falls on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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*Soaring website