Hierapolis is the ancient city next to the famous Pamukkale white Travertine terraces. Hierapolis-Pamukkale are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Hierapolis was founded in 190 BCE. It was famous for its hot springs since the 2nd century BCE. Many people came here for the healing effects of the hot springs, stayed here, and then died here. There is a huge Necropolis with numerous stone sarcophagi, and various tombs. It stretches over several kilometers.

The spectacular Roman Theater was built by the emperors Hadrian and Septimius Severus. It held more than 12,000 spectators.

On the hill side is the octagonal Martyrium of St. Philip the Apostle. It is said to be erected were St. Philip was martyred.

Not far from there, high up on the hill, are the few remains of the Hellenistic Theater, looking over the 2nd century Agora, one of the largest ever discovered.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Octagonal Martyrium St Philip
The octagonal Martyrium of St. Philip the Apostle. (722k)
Tomb Hill Over Agora
A tomb on the hill over the Agora. (786k)
Remains Hellenistic Theater
Remains of the Hellenistic Theater. (963k)
Huge Roman Theater
The huge Roman Theater. (750k)
Agora Largest Ever Discovered
The Agora, one of the largest ever discovered. (880k)
Ionian Capital Lonely Pillar
Ionian capital on the lonely pillar in the Agora. (469k)
Part Agora
Part of the Agora. (703k)
Frontius Street Byzantine Gate
Frontius Street, with the Byzantine Gate in the back. (935k)
Entrance Roman Baths
Entrance to the Roman Baths. (624k)
View Over Necropolis Roman
View over the Necropolis with the Roman Bath in the back. (934k)
View Over Necropolis Stone
View over the Necropolis with stone sarcophagi. (783k)
Necropolis Two Large Circular
The Necropolis with two large circular tombs. (764k)

This page contains 12 pictures

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Page last updated on Sat Mar 21 12:47:16 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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