The ancient Roman city of Aizanoi has one of Anatolia's best preserved Roman temples. The Temple of Zeus dates from the reign of Hadrian (117 CE - 138 CE). It was dedicated to Zeus and to the Anatolian fertility Goddess Cybele.

Aizanoi also has a Roman Bath, just across the road from the Temple of Zeus, a little further is the splendid Theater and Stadium. This is an unusual combination of the two, sharing the stage as one end of the stadium.

In town are several Roman bridges that serve as the foundations of the current bridges.

Another interesting building is a circular market building, next to the Roman Forum. It has some inscriptions detailing market prices.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Magnificent Temple Zeus
The magnificent Temple of Zeus. (706k)
Ionian Capital
Ionian capital. (1279k)
Meander Decorations Temple
Meander decorations in the temple. (762k)
Huge Crypt Under Temple
A huge crypt under the temple. (726k)
Roman Baths
Roman Baths. (853k)
View Stadium Theater Back
View of the Stadium, with the theater in the back. (730k)
View End Stadium Theater
View of the end of the Stadium, with the theater behind it. (780k)
View Theater Stadium Behind
View of the Theater, with the Stadium behind it. (1006k)
Roman Remains Lot Places
Roman remains are in a lot of places in Çavdarhisar, here a couple of columns. (960k)
Circular Market Building
The circular market building. (1048k)
Forum Next Market Building
The Forum, next to the market building. (1030k)
Bridge Roman Parts
A bridge with Roman parts. (915k)
More Roman Baths Middle
More Roman baths in the middle of Çavdarhisar. (741k)

This page contains 13 pictures

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Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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