I visited a small nature reserve that has fairly intact rain forest with lots of wildlife.

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All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Nature in Suriname

Airplant (Tillandsia sp.)
Airplants (Tillandsia sp., german: Tillandsien) growing on power lines. (708k)
Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera, german: Indische Lotosblume, french: Lotus sacré). (1381k)
Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
Sacred Lotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera, german: Indische Lotosblume, french: Lotus sacré). (743k)
Palm Park Paramaribo
Palm park in Paramaribo. (1119k)
Bromeliads Palm Trees
Bromeliads on palm trees. (1050k)
Heliconia (Heliconia sp.)
Heliconias (Heliconia sp., german: Helikonien:Genus). (1187k)
Heliconia Flower
Heliconia flower. (849k)
Blood Lily (Scadoxus multiflorus)
Blood Lily (Scadoxus multiflorus, german: Blutblume). (857k)
Cacao Tree (Theobroma cacao)
Cacao Tree fruits (Theobroma cacao, german: Kakaobaum, french: Cacaoyer). (793k)
Rain Forest Preserve
Rain forest preserve. (1.5M)
Leafcutter Ants
Leafcutter ants. (967k)
Termite Nest
Termite nest. (760k)
Red Peacock (Anartia amathea)
Red Peacock butterfly (Anartia amathea). (623k)
Flame-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis peruviana)
Flame-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis peruviana). (684k)
Mud Crawler
Mud crawler. (693k)
Giant Ameiva (Ameiva ameiva)
Giant Ameiva (Ameiva ameiva, german: Grüne Ameive, french: Ameive commun). (1436k)
Tegu (Tupinambis sp.)
Tegu Lizard (Tupinambis sp., french: Tégus). (941k)
Gold Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin)
Gold Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin, german: Goldteju, french: Tégu commun). (1193k)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella, german: Gehaubter Kapuziner, french: Capucin brun). (1277k)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella, german: Gehaubter Kapuziner, french: Capucin brun). (1158k)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella, german: Gehaubter Kapuziner, french: Capucin brun). (673k)

This page contains 21 pictures with 11 species

Main page for Suriname

Page last updated on Sat Jan 15 15:36:19 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

Nature in Suriname on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website