1996 Texas Nationals (AKA Region 10 Championships)

Uvalde, Texas

Some pilots elected to use GPS flight logs for turnpoint verification. These flight logs are available for downloading and viewing using PC Software provided by Cambridge Aero Instruments. Pilot names are linked to GPS flight logs on the score sheets.

This information was sent to Guenther Eichhorn directly from the SSA.

Day 5 Results

1996 Texas Nationals (AKA Region 10 Championships)
Uvalde, Texas
UNOFFICIAL  Day # 5  8/8/96   Printed 8/9/96  08:35
Open Class
  Min Time: 03:30

    Comp                            --Day---  --Accum--                  ---Penalty---
Rank Num Name             Plane     Rank Pts  Rank  Pts    Speed  Dist   Codes    Pnts  Turnpoints

  1  HW  Weissenbuehle    ASH-25      2  921    1  4903    74.43 267.07                 55,35,37,53,48,51,12,45,56
  2  DLB Bush             Nimbus-3    3  872    2  4783    70.44 270.23                 55,35,37,53,48,50,12,23,56
  3  HT  Pollard          Nimbus-3/m  5  777    3  4463    62.81 219.82  MT             55,33,7,1,45,24,11,2,45,56
  4  MH  Huffstutler      ASH-25      4  839    4  3984    67.79 276.48                 55,15,51,46,53,47,1,23,1
  5  YB  Gregg            Nimbus-3D   1 1000    5  3894    80.83 286.10                 55,35,32,29,28,46,23,27,11,23,56
  6  SS  Tabery           Nimbus-3    6    0    6   956            DNC
  7  1W  Griffith         ASH-25      6    0    7   878            DNC

MT - Under Minimum Time

Standard Class
Assigned Task     Distance: 226.26
  Turnpoints: 55 Starting Line, 48 W41 Spofford, 13 N36 Leakey, 
  31 S48 Farias, 56 Finish Line

    Comp                            --Day---  --Accum--                  ----Penalty---
Rank Num Name             Plane     Rank Pts  Rank  Pts    Speed  Dist   Codes      Pnts

  1  40  Bowman           Discus CS   3    0    1  3906            0.00
  2  5U  Glitner          Discus      3    0    2  3821            0.00
  3  2XX Sorenson         Discus-A    3    0    3  3782            0.00
  4  30  Byrd             Discus      3    0    4  3771            0.00
  5  SZ  Zimmerman         LS-7WL     3    0    5  3715            0.00

  6  ED  Byars             Discus A   3    0    6  3670            0.00  MD
  7  22  Emons            ASH-24      3    0    7  3667            0.00  MD
  8  OE  Epp               ASW-24     3    0    8  3612            0.00  SI
  9  1X  Von Hellens      Discus      2  233    9  3570          111.86
 10  AM  McQuigg           ASW-24     3    0   10  3530            0.00

 11  1E  Wasness          LS4-B       3    0   11  3489            0.00
 12  HE  Ennulat          ASW-24      3    0   12  3404            0.00  MD
 13  J7  Kilian           ASW-24      3    0   13  3382            0.00  MD
 14  02  Cluxton          LS-4A       1  900   14  3331    88.30
 15  P1  Galloway           ASW-24    3    0   15  2948            0.00  MD

 16  GY  Durbin           ASW-19B     3    0   16  2942            0.00
 17  47  Bobo             Discus      3    0   17  2659            0.00
 18  G1  Mercer           GG1         3    0   18  1776            0.00  MD

MD - Minimum Distance           SI - Start interval exceeded

15 Meter Class
Assigned Task     Distance: 243.55
  Turnpoints: 55 Starting Line, 53 W56 Eagle Pass, 14 N56 Rocksprings, 
  26 S24 La Paloma, 56 Finish Line

    Comp                            --Day---  --Accum--                  ----Penalty---
Rank Num Name             Plane     Rank Pts  Rank  Pts    Speed  Dist   Codes      Pnts

  1  OF  Bartell          Ventus-2A   2  679    1  4357    74.70
  2  IT  Mockler          Ventus      1  712    2  4292    78.29
  3  ES  McLeod           Ventus      4  641    3  4255    70.48
  4  E9  Jurado            Ventus-C   7  614    4  4247    67.47
  5  W8  Cundiff           Ventus    11  385    5  4241          230.22

  6  W3  Welles, III      Ventus-2B  14  328    6  4198          196.07
  7  7F  Fly               Ventus 2B  5  639    7  4145    70.28
  8  GC  Crook            LS6B        3  649    8  4139    71.42
  9  N   Schmid           Ventus-A    8  609    9  4062    66.98
 10  LX  Murray           ASW-27     14  328   10  3987          196.07

 11  71  Reeter           LS-6       14  328   11  3940          196.07
 12  4I  Watson           LS-6        6  632   12  3931    69.47
 13  J4  Bojack           LS6         9  592   13  3823    65.13
 14  97  Sullivan           Ventus-2 14  328   14  3760          196.07
 15  2A  Hale             Ventus A   14  328   15  3691          196.07

 16  BV  Martin           ASW-20     11  385   16  3688          230.41
 17  2P  Smith            LS-6       14  328   17  3581          196.07
 18  TS1 Smolder II       Ventus-B   14  328   18  3580          196.07
 19  MD  Bourland         DG600      29  198   19  3556          118.29
 20  TM  Shilen           DG-800     14  328   20  3540          196.07

 21  V2  Hollenberg        Ventus-B  14  328   21  3518          196.07
 22  9F  Feager           AWS-20     32    0   22  3423            0.15  MD
 23  KF  Meason           ASW-20B    30  170   23  3377          101.62
 24  GHI Howard            ASW-20    14  328   24  3353          196.07
 25  3B  Owensby          HP-18      14  328   25  3300          196.07

 26  LAW Coggins          DG600      14  328   26  3292          196.07
 27  01  Goddard          LS-3A      14  328   27  3197          196.07
 28  EU  Fahrner           Ventus-B  10  566   28  3145    62.22
 29  TF  Falk             ASW-20B    14  328   29  3141          196.07
 30  IM  Prudhomme        LS-3       31  144   30  3134           86.26

 31  YE  Frantz           Ventus C/A 32    0   31  3057            0.00
 32  2E  Leibacher        LS-6B      13  346   32  3044          206.79
 33  33  Pakdsta           ASW-20    14  328   33  2873          196.07
 34  CG  Garner           Discus-A   32    0   34   879            0.00

MD - Minimum Distance

Sports Class
  Min Time: 03:00
  Mandatory Turnpoints: 47
  Wind Direction: 1600  Wind Speed: 15

    Comp                            --Day---  --Accum--    Speed/*Dist  ---Penalty----
Rank Num Name             Plane     Rank Pts  Rank  Pts    Raw    Hdcp  Codes     Pnts  Turnpoints

  1  PX  Masak            Scimitar 1  5  820    1  4802   62.39   57.58                 55,47,49,53,31,26,25,11,23,56
  2  L23 Heath            Blanik L-2  1 1000    2  4628   39.03   70.25 MT              55,47,1,12,45,56
  3  39  Gilmer           ASW-24      3  853    3  4516   61.48   59.92                 55,47,51,53,29,47,56
  4  JD  Johnson          Ventus A    4  827    4  4458   61.30   58.09                 55,47,2,45,1,2,45,23,56
  5  221 Keene            1-26        2  905    5  4300   38.40   63.58 MT              55,47,24,1,23,11,1,23,56

  6  HOU Sorenson         1-34        7  818    6  4236   36.85   57.43 MT              55,47,26,25,11,56
  7  LY  Brown            Mosquito    7  818    7  4208   57.16   57.46                 55,47,48,45,26,27,46,1,45,56
  8  F1  Pratt            HP-18       5  820    8  4056   35.91   57.62 MT              55,47,27,1,45,56
  9  EE  Echeverry Jr.    Jantar     13  688    9  3870   46.58   48.30 MT              55,47,53,31,29,27,26,56
 10  JW  Walsh            Ventus-C/M  9  719   10  3687   49.21   50.51 MT              55,47,53,31,28,23,56

 11  RR  Taylor            Nimbus 2M 15    0   11  3329   *0.00   *0.00
 12  LH  Howard           1-34       11  709   12  3317   36.48   49.81                 55,47,1,23,46,56
 13  SGS Cassetta/Schw    ASW-20     14  628   13  2933   26.73   44.15 MT              55,47,1,23,56
 14  OS  Leve             ASW-20     12  690   14  2606   47.16   48.48 MT              55,47,1,23,3,56
 15  EG  Duprey           ASW-24     10  715   15  2539   52.17   50.24                 55,47,49,1,2,3,56

MT - Under Minimum Time

1996 Texas Nationals (AKA Region 10 Championships) on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website