8th European Gliding Championships in Räyskälä, Finland, 1996

Last Update:

Bulletin No. 2

Helsinki 13.9.1995
To European Members of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale
Official Invitation to the 8th European Gliding Championships
The Finnish Aeronautical Association has the pleasure to invite all the European members of the FAI to participate in the 8th European Gliding Championships, which will take place in Räyskälä, Finland, 1 to 16 June 1996. The Official Practice period will be from 26 to 31 May.

Please, find enclosed Räyskälä Bulletin Number 2 with detailed information and Preliminary Entry Forms.

Next Bulletin will be published immediately after the dead line of the preliminary entries e.g. at the beginning of November.

Welcome to Räyskälä

Yours faithfully

Tapio Savolainen
Competition Director

8th European Gliding Championships
Räyskälä, Finland
1 -- 16 June 1996

Bulletin Number 2

This is the Bulletin Number 2 accompanying general information about the 8th European Gliding Championships. The Bulletin Number 1 was published last Spring. It contained information regarding the Pre-Europeans and the Finnish Nationals 1995.

Eight Months to go

The major international gliding event of 1996 will be in full swing some eight months from now. The organization was assembled and tested last summer in the pre Europeans/Finnish Nationals, which had a large and capable foreign representation of 15 pilots from seven countries. After eight interesting contest days the winners turned out to be foreigners, Frederick Hoyeau of France in 15-meter Class and Herbert Weiss of Germany in Standard Class.

The results reflect the general feeling amongst foreign pilots: at Räyskälä it is possible to fly well even for pilots who are not thoroughly familiar with local conditions. This is a feature that unfortunately is not shared by quite a few other major gliding sites of the world.

The smallish organization worked last summer in a thoroughly satisfactory way, even though some things will be improved before the real thing starts. We also have some plans to improve the social side of our remarkable site. We try to ascertain that the gliding fraternity on this rather remote field has proper surroundings for food, drink and hangar flying, one of the most essential things in any gliding contest.

The site

The competition site is Räyskälä, 60 44'04"N and 24 06'40". The airfield is located some 100 km North West from Helsinki. It has two paved runways with associated taxiways. There is ample room for landings on the field and the parking facilities for gliders are adequate. The airfield is the base of the Finnish Sport Flying Institute.

The Schedule

Preliminary entries due                 1 November 1995
Final entries due                       1 February 1996
Registration                            24 -- 30 May 1996
Configuration Change closes             30 May 1996 at 10.00 hrs
Official training                       26 -- 31 May 1996
First Team Captains briefing            30 May 1996 at 20.00 hrs
Opening Ceremony                        1 June 1996 at 10.00 hrs
Contest flying                          2 --15 June1996
Closing ceremony and Prizegiving        16 June 1996 at 10.00 hrs
The field will NOT be closed for training at any time before the contest.


The Organizer of the event is:

Finnish Aeronautical Association (SIL)
Helsinki-Malmi Airport
FIN-00700 Helsinki, FINLAND
phone: +358 0 370 316
fax: +358 0 374 1551

Championships Officials

Competition Director                        Tapio Savolainen
Deputy Director                             Hannu Halonen
President of the International Jury         Alf Ingesson-Thoor (Sweden)
Members of the Jury                         Hannes Linke (USA)
                                            Jaakko Kaskia (Finland)
Stewards                                    Jacky Clairbaux (France)
                                            Holger Back (Germany)
Secretary                                   Kai Mönkkönen
Meteorology                                 Tapio Tourula
Chief Marshal                               Juha Silvennoinen
Search and Rescue                           Markku Rissanen
GNSS (and photo) evaluation                 Sakari Nyberg
Airfield                                    Jukka Salokannel
Towing                                      Jorma Laine
Competition Office                          Jaana Pirtola
Scoring                                     Tapio Honkanen
Finish Line                                 Riku Rissanen
Accommodation                               Eero Horma

Number of competitors

The competition classes are Standard Class, 15-meter Class and Open Class. Each NAC may enter up to six pilots plus three reserve pilots, but not more than two plus one reserve pilot in any class. In addition to that reigning World and European Champions are allowed to participate. The number of allowable entries shall not exceed 100 total or 40 in any class. Some overseas pilots may be accepted, if there is space available. The overseas pilots will be excluded from the official scoring.

After the closing date for applications for entry the participating countries with reserve pilots may be entered any class where vacancies exist, provided entry fees for the officially entered pilots have been received, on a first-come-first-served basis. The procedure is similar to Rieti in 1994.

Entry fee

The entry fee is 3400 FIM and it covers all operational costs during the Championships, except Aero Tows.

The bank of the organizer is: KOP-Helsinki-Aleksanterinkatu, and the account number is 157230-317982.

Aero Tow fee will be 135 FIM/tow to 600 meters AGL.

The exchange rate at the beginning of September for DEM was 2,97 and for USD 4,37.

Entry Forms

Return of the enclosed Preliminary Entry Form is requested no later than 1st November 1995. After receiving them we will have a good idea whether reserve pilots are accepted or not.

Final Entry Forms will be mailed in November. They should be returned before 1st February 1996 with the Entry Fee. Additionally, please submit photograph of your choice about every pilot and Team captain. We prefer not passport-type pictures.

We also request that all correspondence will be handled by the National Aero Club and/or one assigned individual with whom we can communicate about all matters.


Please, find enclosed the Rules of the EGC 96 (subject to confirmation by IGC, meeting in Helsinki, 30.9.1995). There are some changes from the rules of previous Championships. For example the Jury is for the first time a nominated one, not a Team Captains meeting. There is only one Champion in each class. The changes are based on the IGC decisions from last Spring. Still the rules are subject to approval by IGC. Most of the tasks are closed circuits for speed, but it is possible to have distance tasks, too.

The local rules are being compiled. They will be mailed along with the next Bulletin in November.


GNSS will be the main Documentation System during the Europeans 96. Every glider must have at least one IGC approved GNSS logger on board every flight. Phototime cameras will be used as back-ups. We urge the manufacturers to organize the leasing of the units for those who do not have their own ones. Details will follow in the next Bulletin.

Gliders for rent

There is only a limited number of competitive gliders for rent. Finding some is not, however, not impossible. We know at least a few LS-6, LS-7 and Discus gliders, which will most probably be available. Contact EGC 96 secretary Kai Mönkkönen for details as early as possible.


Räyskälä has a wide variety of different accommodation choices. The airfield motel has limited capacity, but the quick ones can make reservations there, too. A nearby ex-school offers very low-cost accommodation in large but neat rooms. The local camping area is normally a popular choice. You can use your own tent or caravan or rent a caravan.

Enclosed is a list of some alternate choices. Select the one you prefer and contact the given contact address.

Travel and shipping

Finland is nowadays well connected to the continental Europe. A roro-boat with a capacity for 100 passengers and lots of cars leaves Lübeck for Helsinki every night. The jet powered Finnjet leaves Travemünde twice a week. Ship lines between Finland and Sweden are among the busiest in the world.

Please, find enclosed some information of the Shipping Companies with information where to make reservations. Book your seats on the boats as soon as possible. Specially Lübeck-Helsinki route is selling very well, although the capacity is almost double compared to last year.

Viking Line, which operates between Sweden and Finland, gives you a 50% discount. Details of the offer are enclosed.

The liaison officer in travel and shipping matters is EGC 96 secretary Kai Mönkkönen. His fax number is +358 0 374 1551. He tries to help if there is more questions.


Third party insurance to the value of 2.000.000 FIM is required for each sailplane. Personal medical insurance is required for all team members.

Documentary proof of insurance shall be made available to the Organizers in English or in Finnish.

At the moment Finnish Insurance companies have difficulties to sell their insurances to the foreign registered aircraft. They say that the reason are the rules of the EU. To be on the safe side organize your insurances before leaving home. We will keep you informed about the situation in later bulletins.


Finland is a member of the European Union since the beginning of this year. Customs formalities are easy even to the pilots from outside the EU. No ATA Carnets are needed.

Glider Pilot Licenses of your own country will be recognized in Finland. No additional documentation is required. Naturally you need a valid FAI Sporting License.

Mobile Phones

The cellular phone network in Finland is one of the best in the world. NMT 450, NMT 900 and GSM systems cover practically the whole country. We are working with our sponsors to find a cellular phone to every Team Captain. By the time of this writing no deals have been signed, but keep on fighting.

Some Shipping Information


Operated by Finncarriers, roro-ferries, marketing and sales by Marco Polo Travel. Every evening, departure about 17.00. Arriving Helsinki on the morning after two nights. Information and reservations, fax : +358 0 693 1330.

Prices (about):
car + trailer, two way, 1800 FIM
persons, full board, two way, 1600-2300 FIM/person, depending on how many persons in one cabin (2-4)

Stockholm-Helsinki-Stockholm, Stockholm-Turku-Stockholm

Operated by Viking Line. Every evening, departure about 18.00 or later, arriving next morning. Information and reservations, fax : +358 0 175551 / Carola Laaser.

Prices (normal):
car + trailer, two way, about 2000 FIM
persons, one way about 100-200 FIM/person
cabins, one way about 180-600 FIM/cabin, depending on the standard

Viking Line offers you 50% discount of the normal price. Mention European Gliding Championships.

There is other companies also operating the same routes. Ask your local travel agency.

Make your reservations as early as possible. We really mean that!

Accommodation possibilities

May - June 1996

  1. Arranged by the organizer

    a) The motel of Finnish Sport Flying Institute at the Räyskälä airfield. Rooms for 2-4 persons. In the rooms for 2-3 persons there is shower and toilet in the room. In the rooms for 4 showers and toilets are in the corridor. Public phone. Two saunas by the lake, swimming. Breakfast and other meals in the airfield cafe (not included in the room price). No cooking facilities. New barbeque grill.
    Price: 185 FIM/room/night.

    b) The military camping area. Very basic but neat rooms for 2-4 persons in two different buildings about 500 meters from the airfield. Peaceful location by the lake. A part of the organization is living here. Facilities for free time and for dining. No cooking facilities. Sauna by the lake. Toilets outside (no water).
    Price: 35 FIM/person/night.

    c) Old school in Räyskälä. 3 km from the airfield. Modest but cheap living in big rooms with your own bed clothes or sleeping bags. Toilets, facilities for free time and for cooking also. Sauna by the lake, barbeque grill.
    Price: 30 FIM/person/night.

    d) Camping in Räyskälä airfield. There is camping sites for caravans or tents about 400-500 meters from the airfield. Electricity available. Saunas and toilets in use.
    Price: 35 FIM/caravan or tent/night.

    There is also some limited possibilities to rent caravans from local pilots or from some companies.
    Price of a caravan for 2-4 persons is about 1400 FIM/week.

    NOTE: The prices above might change just a bit but not much.

    If you are interested in some of above (1.a - d), send a letter or fax to the

    Suomen Urheiluilmailuopisto
    Finnish Sport Flying Institute
    Räyskäläntie 311
    fax : +358 14 448 990.

  2. Accommodation in the vicinity of Räyskälä airfield

    a) The cottages of "Lomarengas", 4-10 km around Räyskälä

    Cottages owned by private persons and rented via "Lomarengas". Normal kitchen with cooking possibility, refrigerator, usually sauna by lake. Toilets usually outside (no water). Accommodation capacity for 4-8 persons.
    Prices: max 2.300 FIM/week.

    b) Eerikkälä Sport Institute

    20 km west from Räyskälä. Specially designed for athlets of different sports. Quite cheap and very neat way of living. Rooms for 2-4 persons. Breakfast and dining possibilities. The institute has a sauna and swimming pool also.
    Price: about 150 FIM/person/night.

    c) Hotels

    There are many hotels in towns of Riihimäki, Hämeenlinna and Forssa about 40 km from Räyskälä. You can choose from any amount of stars. Hotels have different types of restaurants also.
    Prices: 250-300 FIM/person/night.

    d) Cottages and cottage villages of different camping areas

    10-30 km from Räyskälä. Many different types and levels of standard. For 2-6 persons. Usually remote locations, no shops or restaurants near.
    Prices: 200-400 FIM/night.

    Here is just some of possibilities near Räyskälä. If you are interested in some of above (2.a - d), please make inquiries to:

    Häme Tourist Service
    Sibeliuksenkatu 5 A
    fax : +358 17 621 2716
    phone: +358 17 621 2388

8th European Gliding Championships in Räyskälä, Finland, 1996 on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website