Other than sand dunes, there is not much nature in Qatar. I did see some mangroves, and a few trees, but that was it.

Pictures of birds in Qatar and other nature pages are separate:

Birds of Qatar
Bird Page for Qatar
Nature Pages
Other Nature Pages

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Nature in Qatar

Sand Dunes Persian Gulf
Sand dunes and the Persian Gulf on the east coast of Qatar. (501k)
Sand Dunes South Qatar
Sand dunes in the south of Qatar. There are tire tracks everywhere, Doing 4-WD in the sand dunes is a popular excursion. (626k)
West Coast Qatar Few
West coast of Qatar with a few mangroves. (679k)
Oil Residue Iraq War
Oil residue from the Iraq war with Kuwait. It drifted to Qatar and got stuck there. (1062k)

Flora in Qatar

Al Thakira Mangroves Forest
Al Thakira Mangroves Forest. (563k)
Black Mangrove (Avicennia sp.)
Black Mangroves (Avicennia sp.)in the Al Thakira Mangroves Forest. (953k)
Black Mangrove (Avicennia sp.)
Closer view of the Black Mangroves (Avicennia sp.). (1246k)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera, german: Echte Dattelpalme, french: Palmier dattier). (745k)
Christ's Thorn Jujube (Ziziphus spina-christi)
Sidra or Christ's Thorn Jujube (Ziziphus spina-christi, german: Syrischer Christusdorn, french: Épine du Christ), the national tree of Qatar. (878k)

This page contains 9 pictures with 3 species

Main page for قطر (Qatar)

Page last updated on Fri Jun 4 17:15:24 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

Nature in Qatar on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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*Soaring website