Daily life in Mozambique is similar to most of sub-Saharan Africa. Lots of roadside vendors, mostly produce and often charcoal.

Traffic was not bad, except sometimes in Maputo. The drive to Swaziland was without problems on nice roads.

Coming back from the Gorongosa National Park to Beira Airport was a four hour drive. The first 1.5 hours of that was on terrible roads. A paved road with potholes is much worse than a dirt road. Other than that the roads were nice.

My last stop was in Inhambane and Tofo Beach to see whale sharks. I made a short tour of Inhambane (see Wikipedia entry for Inhambane). Inhambane had a narrow gauge railroad in the late 19th/early 20th century.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

People in Mozambique

Mozambique Women Carrying Large
Mozambique women carrying large loads on their heads. (710k)
Mozambique Woman Walking Along
Mozambique woman walking along the road with a heavy load on her head. (574k)


Crew Bundling Firewood Camp
My crew bundling up firewood for the camp fire. (1438k)
Dragging Firewood Back Camp
Dragging the firewood back to camp. (1184k)
Starting Camp Fire
Starting the camp fire. (1227k)
Relaxing Camp Fire
Relaxing at the camp fire. (771k)
Camp Had Large Tent
Camp. I had a large tent with a folding bed. It was very comfortable. (1189k)

Houses, villages, and towns in Mozambique

Local Houses
Local houses. (769k)
Local Houses
Local houses. (660k)
Local Houses
Local houses. (778k)
Statue Vasco Da Gama
Statue of Vasco da Gama. He was the first Westerner to visit this area in the late 15th century and made it popular for the Portuguese. (890k)
Hindu Temple 1914 Maputo
Hindu temple from 1914 near Maputo. (976k)
Central Park Area Inhambane
Central park area in Inhambane. (852k)
Our Lady Immaculate Conception
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Inhambane, from 1974. (722k)
Previous Inhambane Cathedral Dating
Previous Inhambane Cathedral, dating from around 1840, the Portuguese era. (922k)
Bell Tower Old Cathedral
Bell tower of the old cathedral in Inhambane. (747k)
Mosque Inhambane
Mosque in Inhambane. (739k)
Old Railway Station
Old railway station. (791k)
Old Locomotive Ran Railroad
The old locomotive that ran on this railroad. (800k)
Sculpture Made Everyday Items
Sculpture made of everyday items. (698k)
Sculpture Made Everyday Items
Sculpture made of everyday items. (730k)
Tofo Beach
Tofo Beach. (504k)

Traffic and Roads

Ox-drawn Cart
Ox-drawn cart. (629k)
Car Took Maputo Special
The car that I took to the Maputo Special Reserve. (946k)
Zodiacs Used Scuba Diving
One of the zodiacs that were used for Scuba diving in Tofo Beach. (624k)
Ferry Across Tembe River
On the ferry across the Tembe river. (734k)
Coming Off Ferry
Coming off the ferry. (821k)
Black Smoke Coming Diesel
Black smoke coming out of one of the diesel minibuses. (561k)
Fully Loaded Bus
Fully loaded bus. (847k)
Heavy Truck Traffic See
Heavy truck traffic. You can see how this damages the road. (735k)
Bad Road Way Gorongosa
Bad road on the way from Gorongosa to Beira. (702k)
Enormous Bridge Being Built
This enormous bridge is being built by a Chinese company over the Tembe river inlet. (616k)
Bridge Construction
Bridge construction. (663k)
Bridge Construction Section Two
Bridge construction. In this section the two ends are constructed at the same time, eventually meeting in the middle. (638k)
Bridge Construction Part Prefabricated
Bridge construction. In this part prefabricated sections are rolled in place by a huge crane. (567k)


Roadside Produce Stands
Roadside produce stands. (611k)
Slate Slabs Building Wood
Slate slabs and building wood for sale. (805k)
Charcoal Bags Sale
Charcoal bags for sale. (850k)
Bringing Produce Market
Bringing produce to the market. (736k)
Bakery. (769k)
Market Area Inhambane
Market area in Inhambane. (898k)
Vegetable Market
Vegetable market. (1043k)
Vegetable Market
Vegetable market. (946k)
Vegetable Market
Vegetable market. (901k)
Vegetable Market
Vegetable market. (957k)

This page contains 45 pictures

Main page for Moçambique (Mozambique)

Page last updated on Mon Apr 20 10:24:32 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

People in Mozambique on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website