I visited Erfoud and Merzouga in the Moroccan Sahara desert area. I took a camel ride into the sand dunes and stayed overnight in a camp in the desert.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Desert Villages

View Oued Ziz Valley
View of the Oued Ziz valley. (783k)
Zouala Village Oued Ziz
Zouala village in the Oued Ziz valley. (994k)
Cemetery Ksar Jdid Village
Cemetery in Ksar Jdid village in the Oued Ziz valley. Each of the small stones marks a burial place. (1314k)
Aoufous Village Oued Ziz
Aoufous village in the Oued Ziz valley. (913k)
Fences Made Palm Leaves
Fences made from palm leaves stabilize the sand. (1044k)
Erfoud. (897k)
Tisserdmine Oasis Village Sahara
Tisserdmine, an oasis village in the Sahara desert, near the Algerian border. (831k)
House Tisserdmine
House in Tisserdmine. (649k)
Nomad Camp
Nomad camp. (565k)
Berber Flag Camps
Berber flag on one of the camps. (854k)
Abandoned Village Mfis
Abandoned village Mfis. (938k)
Houses Abandoned Village Mfis
Houses in the abandoned village Mfis. (940k)
House Abandoned Village Mfis
House in the abandoned village Mfis. (625k)
Cemetery Abandoned Village Mfis
The cemetery of the abandoned village Mfis. (1042k)
Takojt Kasbah Hotel Stayed
Takojt Kasbah, the hotel I stayed in for the desert visit. (893k)
Entrance Takojt Kasbah
Entrance to the Takojt Kasbah. (900k)
Inside Takojt Kasbah
Inside the Takojt Kasbah. (643k)
Takojt Kasbah Grounds Camel
Takojt Kasbah grounds with a camel getting readied for a desert ride. (648k)
Getting Camel Ready Ride
Getting a camel ready for a ride. (828k)
View Sand Dunes Hotel
View of the sand dunes from the hotel. (458k)
Kasbah Hotel Complex
Another Kasbah hotel complex. (946k)
Used 4-star Hotel Destroyed
This used to be a 4-star hotel. It was destroyed by a huge flood in 2006. (812k)
Heat Mirage Desert
Heat mirage in the desert. (775k)

Camel Rides and Camps

Large Desert Camp
Large desert camp. (687k)
Desert Camp Stayed Night
Desert camp I stayed in for a night. (606k)
Evening Entertainment
Evening entertainment. (681k)
Camel Stop
Camel stop. (719k)
Camels Saddled Ready Into
Camels saddled up, ready to go into the desert. (795k)
Camel Caravan
Camel caravan. (662k)
Desert Trip Camel Back
Desert trip on camel back. (547k)
Lot Camel Caravans Desert
There were a lot of camel caravans in the desert. (549k)
My ride. (850k)
Returning Camel Caravan
Returning camel caravan. (621k)
Camel Rider
Camel rider. (685k)
Lots Camel Dung Desert
Lots of camel dung in the desert. (681k)

Oasis Agriculture

Small Fields Oasis
Small fields in the oasis. (984k)
Irrigation Channel Oasis
Irrigation channel in the oasis. (1117k)
Blocked-off Side Channels Side
Blocked-off side channels. The side channels are opened according to the water rations for each small field. (778k)
Smaller Irrigation Channels
Smaller irrigation channels. (1415k)
Underground Water Channel Periodic
Underground water channel with periodic entry points to allow cleaning. (711k)
Working Oasis Fields
Working in the oasis fields. (1206k)
Fig Tree
Fig Tree. (1327k)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
Pomegranate (Punica granatum, german: Granatapfel, french: Grenadier commun). (1427k)
Almond Tree (Prunus amygdalus)
Almond Tree (Prunus amygdalus, german: Mandelbaum, french: Amandier). (1275k)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera, german: Echte Dattelpalme, french: Palmier dattier). (1313k)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
Male Date Palm pollen stand (Phoenix dactylifera, german: Echte Dattelpalme, french: Palmier dattier). (908k)
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
Female Date Palm pollen stand (Phoenix dactylifera, german: Echte Dattelpalme, french: Palmier dattier). (1013k)

This page contains 47 pictures with 3 species

Main page for المغرب (Morocco)

Page last updated on Sat Dec 25 15:57:57 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

Sahara Desert on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website