Yaxhá is a magnificent Maya site. It holds remnants of the Maya culture, one of the many Ancient Civilizations that I saw during my travels.

From the Yaxhá entry in Wikipedia:

Yaxhá is a Mesoamerican archaeological site in the northeast of the Petén Basin region, and a former ceremonial center and city of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. Yaxhá was the third largest city in the region and experienced its maximum power during the Early Classic period (c. 250–600 CE).

The city was located on a ridge overlooking Lake Yaxhá. The name of the city derives from the Mayan for "blue-green water"; it is a notable survival of a Classic period place-name into the modern day. The Yaxhá kingdom is estimated to have covered an area of 237 km² (92 square miles) and to have had a peak population of 42,000 in the Late Classic period of Mesoamerican chronology.

Yaxhá had a long history of occupation with the first settlement being founded sometime in the Middle Preclassic period (c. 1000–350 BCE). It developed into the largest city in the eastern Petén lakes region during the Late Preclassic (c. 350 BCE – 250 CE) and expanded into an enormous city during the Early Classic (c. 250–600 CE). At this time, in common with other sites in Petén, it shows strong influence from the distant metropolis of Teotihuacán in the Valley of México. It was eclipsed during the Late Classic (c. 600–900 CE) by neighboring Naranjo but was never completely dominated. The city survived well into the Terminal Classic (c. 800–900 CE) but was abandoned by the Postclassic period (c. 900–1525).

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Maya Pyramid Rising Above
Maya pyramid rising above the forest. (633k)
Astronomical Observatory Plaza C
Astronomical observatory, Plaza C. (1.6M)
Pyramid. (1301k)
Structure 216 East Acropolis
Structure 216 in the East Acropolis. (1288k)
Pyramid Northern Acropolis
Pyramid in the northern Acropolis. (1.6M)
Pyramid Northern Acropolis
Pyramid in the northern Acropolis. (1.6M)
Pyramid Sun Northern Acropolis
Pyramid of the Sun in the northern Acropolis. (1.7M)
Stairs Pyramid Sun
Stairs on the Pyramid of the Sun. (1.6M)
Pyramid. (1137k)
Faint Rainbow Behind Pyramid
Faint rainbow behind a pyramid in the northern Acropolis. (1375k)
Residential Area
Residential area. (1412k)
Residential Area
Residential area. (1.6M)
Ball Court
Ball court. (2M)
Example Typical Maya Construction
Example of typical Maya construction, with irregular boulders on the inside and shaped stones on the outside. (1.9M)
Small Frieze Stone Carvings
Small frieze with stone carvings. (1103k)
Small Stele Stone Carvings
Small stele with stone carvings. (1269k)
Stele Hieroglyphic Carvings
Stele with hieroglyphic carvings. (898k)
Detail Hieroglyphs Showing Number
Detail of hieroglyphs, showing the number 9 at the top (one bar, meaning 5 and four dots). (1069k)
Elaborately Carved Stele Figure
Elaborately carved stele with the figure of a ruler. (1.8M)
Closer View Figure Ruler
Closer view of the figure of a ruler. (1402k)
Closer View Headdress Ruler
Closer view of the headdress of the ruler. (1466k)
Close-up View Head Ruler
Close-up view of the head of the ruler with the typical aquiline nose of the Mayans. (1182k)
Close-up View Hieroglyphs Next
Close-up view of the hieroglyphs next to the ruler. The left one shows the number 13 (two bars for 5 each and three dots). (1445k)
Each Mayan King Kept
Each Mayan king kept increasing the sizes of their pyramids by adding yet another layer on top of the pyramid. Here you can see at least four layers. (1.6M)

This page contains 24 pictures

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Page last updated on Sat Mar 6 16:48:21 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

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© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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