I didn't visit many cities or villages, essentially only Bogotá, Leticia, and San Agustín. Here are some pictures of people and towns from Colombia.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

People in Colombia

Children Playing Amazon
Children playing in the Amazon. (1051k)
Cute Girl
Cute girl. (961k)
School Children
School children. (678k)
Old Man
Old man. (796k)
Old Man
Old man. (652k)

Villages in Colombia

Houses Mocagua
Houses in Mocagua. (945k)
Village Church Mocagua
Village church in Mocagua. (1.5M)
Floating Houses Amazon
Floating houses on the Amazon. (793k)
Houses Stilts Along Amazon
Houses on stilts along the Amazon. The river floods during each rainy season, so the houses have to be high enough. (882k)
Houses Stilts Along Amazon
Houses on stilts along the Amazon. (877k)
Palm Leaves Covering Roofs
Palm leaves for covering roofs. (1.8M)
Church Villavieja
Church in Villavieja. (577k)
Park Villavieja
Park in Villavieja. (1300k)
Large Ceiba Tree Municipal
Large Ceiba tree in the municipal park in Timaná. Timaná was founded in 1538. (1281k)
Catedral De San Callixto
Catedral de San Callixto (Cathedral of Saint Callixto) in Timaná. (845k)
Stained Glass Window Cathedral
Stained glass window on the cathedral. (870k)
Statue Timaná 1988 Celebrating
Statue in Timaná from 1988, celebrating 450 years of Timaná. (1163k)
Hotel San Agustín Had
The hotel in San Agustín had a small chapel on the grounds. (983k)
Church San Agustín
Church of San Agustín. (809k)
Painting Church San Agustín
Painting on the Church of San Agustín. (875k)
Iglesia De Lourdes Church
Iglesia de Lourdes (Church of Lourdes) in San Agustín with the Cristo de los dientes rotos (Christ of broken teeth) in front. (654k)
Oldest Estate San Agustín
Oldest estate in San Agustín, owned by Doña Maria. She showed us some of the buildings on the estate and her collection of artifacts. The artifacts are registered with the government to make it legal for her to house them. She did not want me to take pictures though. (1011k)
View Buildings Estate
View of one of the buildings in the estate. (1017k)
View Buildings Estate
View of one of the buildings in the estate. (1188k)
View Buildings Estate
View of one of the buildings in the estate. (867k)
View Buildings Estate
View of one of the buildings in the estate. (1120k)
Oven Baking Bread
Oven for baking bread. (870k)
Old Kitchen
The old kitchen. (965k)
Wood Fired Stove Kitchen
Wood fired stove in the kitchen. (735k)
Doña Maria Kitchen
Doña Maria in the kitchen. (762k)
More Modern Kitchen Second
More modern kitchen in a second building. (810k)
Guinea Pigs Kitchen Keep
Guinea pigs in the kitchen. They keep the floor clean by eating any food that is dropped. They in turn serve as food for their owners (Doña Maria though doesn't eat her guinea pigs, they are her pets). (793k)


Lots Motorcycles Colombia
Lots of motorcycles in Colombia. (718k)
Delivery Motorcycle Chinese Restaurant
Delivery motorcycle for Chinese restaurant. (878k)
Horse Drawn Carts San
Horse drawn carts in San Agustín. (799k)
Lots Truck Traffic Road
Lots of truck traffic on this road. (837k)
Local Boat Amazon
Local boat on the Amazon. (620k)
Local Boat Amazon
Local boat on the Amazon. (567k)
Local Bus
Local bus. (884k)

Agriculture and Markets

Banana Plants
Banana plants. (936k)
Brightly Colored Fruits
Brightly colored fruits. (807k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Leticia
Fruit and vegetable market in Leticia. (879k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Leticia
Fruit and vegetable market in Leticia. (1069k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Leticia
Fruit and vegetable market in Leticia. (842k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Leticia
Fruit and vegetable market in Leticia. (1122k)
Fruit Vegetable Market San
Fruit and vegetable market in San Agustín. (937k)
Fruit Vegetable Market San
Fruit and vegetable market in San Agustín. (930k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Bogotá
Fruit and vegetable market in Bogotá. (1199k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Bogotá
Fruit and vegetable market in Bogotá. (1055k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Bogotá
Fruit and vegetable market in Bogotá. (1233k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Bogotá
Fruit and vegetable market in Bogotá. (1173k)
Fruit Vegetable Market Bogotá
Fruit and vegetable market in Bogotá. (1150k)
Waiting. (912k)
Banana Market San Agustín
Banana market in San Agustín. (901k)
Eggs Market Priced According
Eggs in the market, priced according to size. (1104k)
Sugarcane Press
Sugarcane press. (940k)
Fish Market Leticia
Fish market in Leticia. (915k)
Fish Market Bogotá
Fish market in Bogotá. (778k)
That's Big Fish
That's a big fish. (772k)

Flower Market in Bogotá

Flowers are big business in Colombia. There is a big daily flower market in Bogotá.

Flower Market
Flower market. (1045k)
Bird-of-paradise Flowers
Bird-of-Paradise flowers. (1111k)
Flowers. (1149k)
Flowers. (1077k)
Flowers. (1244k)
Flowers. (1246k)
Flowers. (776k)
Sunflowers. (1099k)
Flowers Artificially Colored
Some of the flowers were artificially colored. (1192k)
Flowers Artificially Colored
Some of the flowers were artificially colored. (1092k)
Cacti. (1197k)
Orchids. (1092k)

This page contains 71 pictures

Main page for Colombia

Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

People in Colombia on soaring.aerobaticsweb.org

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website