Development of a Secure, GPS-Based Flight Recorder for Sport Aviation

David M. Ellis, Ph.D, Cambridge Aero Instruments

Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Navigation
Colorado Springs, CO June 7, 1995


David M. Ellis, Ph.D. has been president of Cambridge Aero Instruments since 1986. The firm manufactures specialized instruments for gliding. Dr. Ellis received his undergraduate degree from Penn State, and advanced degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington.


In January, 1995, the World Gliding Championships were scored for the first time using GPS-Based Flight Recorders developed by Cambridge Aero Instruments. This paper describes the need for and development of this GPS recording and navigation instrument


Sport aviation is one more human activity which will be changed forever with the advent of GPS technology. In- flight position recording with post-flight display and analysis is making a revolutionary change in the way sport aviation events are conducted and scored. This paper describes the development and use of a GPS-Flight Recorder in the sport of gliding. We begin by describing the regulatory context of this new development.

The Federation Aeronautique International (FAI) and the International Gliding Commission (IGC)

The FAI, based in Paris, is the international regulatory body for sport aviation. This includes such diverse aerial vehicles as Balloons, Hang Gliders, Para-Gliders, Parachutes, Gliders, and Powered Aircraft. The FAI defines the classes of record flights and writes rules regarding evidence that such flights have been achieved. The International Gliding Commission (IGC) is one of the FAI member organizations.

Isn't this all a bit silly? Actually, no. The probability that your Boeing jet from Wherever to Colorado Springs will arrive on time is exceedingly high. The probability that a glider will fly to 22,000 feet over Colorado Springs is very low. It takes the right weather conditions, skill, and some luck. Pilots, in general, like to be recognized for such achievements (In this case, a Diamond Altitude Gain badge).

A Brief History of Gliding Flight Documentation

The performance of early gliders was so limited that it was practical to station observers at each turnpoint in a competition. Higher performance gliders, with longer tasks and higher altitudes at turnpoints, made this system impractical by the late 1950's. The system presently used is photography of the turnpoint from the glider.

For altitude gain badges and records, a recording altimeter called a Barograph is used. Barograms are also required in competitions to prove that the pilot did not land and re-launch during the task. Over the past 30 years the IGC has evolved a complex set of rules for use of photographs and barograms as evidence. Elaborate procedures and precautions have been written into the rules to prevent cheating.

The Special Challenge of Gliding Competition in New Zealand

In March of 1991 the decision was made to hold the World Gliding Championships in New Zealand for the first time in 1995. New Zealand's South Island has unique weather that makes for fabulous gliding. Lee waves from the Southern Alps enables cross country glider racing above 15,000 ft. Competition rules state that the pilot must fly to within 0.5 Km of a turnpoint to claim it. A conventional turnpoint photograph taken from an altitude of 4 Km with a normal lens is very hard to interpret to this level of accuracy. GPS-based flight recording is an ideal way to improve competition scoring under these conditions.

History of the Cambridge GPS Recorder

World Gliding Championships are held every 2 years. A scientific symposium (OSTIV) is held in conjunction with the event. The 1991 Championships were held in Texas, and this author presented a paper suggesting the possibility of competition scoring using GPS-based evidence. IGC officials and the director of the 1995 New Zealand Competition expressed enthusiasm for the concept and encouraged further development. By February, 1992, Cambridge had flown a system based on a GARMIN GPS-100 and a Hewlett-Packard HP-95 pocket computer at a regional competition in New Zealand. It provided stunningly good recordings which encouraged both Cambridge and the Competition organizers. The IGC suggested further trials at a Pre-World competition in June, 1992 in Sweden. Three prototype systems using a GARMIN GPS-10 receiver and the HP-95 were used to record 15 competition flights. Experience gained during this trial guided the design of the Cambridge Secure GPS Flight Navigator and Recorder.

A solicitation to provide GPS Recorders for the NZ Competition was sent to potential vendors in July, 1993. 10 proposals were received. Cambridge won the competition by promising further trials at our expense, and inexpensive rentals to pilots at the World Competition.

A trial involving 10 recorders at a regional New Zealand competition was completed successfully in November, 1993. The New Zealand Pre-World Competition was successfully scored using 31 Recorders in January, 1994. These real-world experiences led to extensive Firmware and PC software revisions in preparation for the "Real Thing" in January, 1995.

The GPS-Based Flight Recorder

In a small market such as gliding it is important to target all possible uses for a new equipment design. It would have been very easy to design a simple GPS Recorder for the specific purpose of scoring competitions. The problem is that competition organizers have no money for such purposes, and pilots won't buy a product that does not provide direct benefit such as navigation. We therefore chose to include complete GPS navigation functions as well as flight recording in the product.

Only a small percentage of glider pilots actually fly in competitions. A larger group of pilots worldwide participate in badge and record flying. We felt the number of pilots doing this would go up if the process were less complicated and intimidating. It is more difficult to prevent cheating in badge and record flying than in competitions. We therefore chose to design system security around the more difficult situation.

There was no compelling reason for the IGC to change the rules regarding evidence for flights to incorporate GPS data. But the market for badge and record pilots would not be open until the rules permitted GPS evidence. We felt that changing the IGC rules would be a slow and agonizing process unless a serious effort was made to ensure reliability and security of the system. We also felt that a successful demonstration at a World Championship would help to advance the rule change process.

Finally, our early flight recordings showed, for the first time, differences in technique that distinguish winning pilots from the also-rans. We felt that flight recordings could be valuable in training glider pilots for cross-country flying. We chose a short sampling interval of 4 seconds because it reveal the details of style, particularly while circling in thermal lift.

Design Goals

  1. Improve scoring for gliding competitions.
  2. Simplify badge and record flight validation.
  3. Force IGC rule changes for flight evidence.
  4. Improve glider pilot training.
  5. Install the system quickly in existing gliders at the site of the World Championship.
  6. Train pilots from 20 countries to use the system in less than 15 minutes/pilot.
  7. Ensure reliability high enough to predict no failures with 100 gliders flying for 10 days.
  8. Lowest cost consistent with other goals.

Physical Packaging

Racing gliders are not designed to accommodate a GPS navigation system. They have cramped cockpits with very little space for electronic equipment. The instrument panels are tiny and fully occupied with gadgets. Gliders carry a VHF radio powered by a 12 volt battery. Specialized electronic variometers and final glide computers add to the battery load, leaving little spare power for a GPS receiver. This situation led to a GPS recorder design with 2 components; a miniature LCD Navigation screen, and a GPS Engine and Recorder unit with self-contained battery. The GPS Recorder is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Cambridge GPS Recorder

The goal of quick installation at a competition site is supported by the use of telephone style modular cables and connectors. The thin cable can easily be drawn through tight channels in the glider fuselage, and connectors can be attached with a crimp tool.

Racing gliders go to extremes to reduce drag. It is not acceptable to mount a GPS antenna on the outside surface of the fuselage. Some modern gliders use carbon fiber in the fuselage, so the antenna must be mounted under the clear plastic canopy. We chose to use GARMIN's Quad Helix antenna and to provide a variety of antenna mounting brackets.

Simplified Block Diagram of the Flight Recorder

Figure 2. shows a block diagram of the GPS Recorder. An 8 bit µcontroller, the 80C552, was selected because it is used in other Cambridge products. We had already developed an operating system and a 24 bit math package that is well suited to the task. The 80C552 also has a 10 bit 8 channel A/D converter, and 2 channels of serial I/O. It is also inexpensive. We added 2 more UART channels and extended RAM and ROM memory addressing for this application.

Figure 2. Simplified GPS Recorder Block Diagram

GPS position and time come via NMEA-0183 sentences from an integral GARMIN GPS-10 8- channel fast multiplexing C/A GPS engine. The basic GPS accuracy of ±100 meters is superb when compared with photography, so this application does not need accuracy enhancing techniques such as DGPS for horizontal position data.

Historically, sport aviation uses pressure altitude for badge and record flights, so the instrument also incorporates a pressure altitude sensor. GPS altitude has excellent long-term stability and poor short time stability while pressure altitude has good short term stability but is subject to variations in barometric pressure and to sensor drift with time and temperature. The two measurements are therefore complementary. The pressure sensor is not used to provide baro-aiding to the GPS.

Modern Gliders often have auxiliary engines. Running the engine during a competition or badge flight is in very bad taste. Barographs have been equipped with a variety of devices for detection of engine run. We wanted a system with no physical connection to the engine. The GPS Recorder has an internal, calibrated microphone and amplifier tuned to the frequency spectrum of the engine and propeller blades. Average noise level in the glider is continuously recorded for post flight analysis.

Gliders often climb by circling in thermals. This mode of flight is characterized by very tight circles, high bank angles, and violently ill passengers. Sustained turn rates of >20° /sec with bank angles of >45° are common. We were concerned about the performance of the GPS receiver and antenna under these conditions. We chose to record both horizontal and vertical Estimated Position Error (EPE). This data has been helpful in optimizing antenna location. The GARMIN GPS-10 has proven agile in changing satellite constellations as required without losing fixes.

Permanent, Electronic sealing of the Flight Recorder

It would be simple for a person to alter a flight recording in the following way:
  1. Record a flight which "almost" achieves the stated goal.
  2. Transfer the flight to a PC in the normal way for display and review.
  3. Write a PC program to modify positions slightly to simulate achievement of the goal.
  4. Convert the data to NMEA sentences
  5. Substitute PC serial NMEA data for real data coming from the GPS receiver.
  6. Record the altered flight and transfer it to the PC for display and review.
The GPS Recorder prevents this by sealing the enclosure so the user has no access to the wires carrying NMEA data from the GPS engine to the recorder memory. The technique is to enter a secret code at the factory into both the Static RAM data memory and the non-volatile EEPROM. Opening the recorder case activates a microswitch which removes backup power from the SRAM and destroys one copy of the seal word. At power-on, the µcontroller checks for the same seal word in SRAM and EEPROM. If there is no match, the GPS Recorder display announces to even an unskilled observer that the device is unsealed. This technique is both effective and inexpensive.

Recorder Functions

A World Gliding Competition involves about 100 pilots. They have not been trained in use of this equipment and are under stress at launch time. To prevent human error, the GPS Recorder starts and stops itself based on both horizontal and vertical (Pressure Altitude) motion. There is no way for the pilot to erase a flight record; new data simply overwrites the oldest data.

The maximum rate at which data is stored is one sample every 4 seconds. At this rate 12 hours of flight can be recorded. The information recorded includes the following: Date, Time, Horizontal Position, Horizontal EPE, GPS Altitude, Vertical EPE, Pressure Altitude, Ambient Noise Level, and a Status byte.

At the end of the competition flying day, GPS recorders are brought to the competition office for scoring. This is a hectic activity manned by volunteers. Unless appropriate precautions are taken there is a very high probability that a flight file will be lost or assigned to the wrong pilot. The GPS Recorder design anticipates this class of human error. The pilot's name and other relevant data is transferred to the GPS Recorder from the scoring computer. Each pilot sees his name displayed on the navigation screen when power is turned on. This helps prevent pilots from flying with the wrong GPS recorder.

The GPS Recorder knows UTC and Longitude. It computes local midnight. After a day's flights, all flight data that began on a given calendar day is transferred to a PC file. PC file naming is completely automatic. The file name is based on recorder serial number, calendar day, month, and year. Flight files are never erased in the GPS Recorder. This means that if the PC fails during flight evaluation activity, data may be extracted from the GPS Recorders the following day. It also means pilots can make flight files for their own use.

At a fix interval of 4 seconds, a typical competition flight requires 4000 to 6000 fixes. Data is transferred from the recorder to the PC via a serial data cable attached to the PC COM 1-4 port in a proprietary, compressed format. At 9600 baud, transfer would take up to 5 minutes per flight.

We felt this would be unacceptable at a competition, so a 57 kbaud block transfer protocol was developed. This reduced transfer times to less than one minute per flight.

Once flight data is in a PC, it is theoretically capable of being altered by a clever programmer. This is an unacceptable situation for badge and record attempts where an official observer may not be present to prevent cheating. To simplify flight validation at a remote site, the GPS recorder "signs" the complete flight file with an encrypted message as it is transferred to the PC. The PC program checks the flight file and also creates a "signature". If flight data is modified, the PC signature will not match that generated by the GPS recorder. This allows alteration of PC flight files to be detected by IGC an FAI officials.

PC Software Functions

A complete set of DOS-based database and flight evaluation programs was developed for use with the GPS Recorder. Precise Turnpoint location, elevation of landable fields, and special information about field conditions are part of a custom designed database. The PC-based Navigation Point database is divided into sites. Each site is limited to 250 Navigation points. This is more than sufficient for a gliding competition, or a badge or record flight. Only one site is transferred to the Flight Recorder. Orientation and lengths of start and finish points is also kept in the site database. Each Navigation point is assigned attributes which govern the behavior of the GPS Navigation instrument. The list of attributes includes: Turnpoint, Landable Field, Airport, Start Point, Finish Point, Home Point, Restricted Point, and Markpoint.

Pilot and glider information is kept in a separate PC database. This includes pilot preferences for units of measure such as Statute or Nautical miles. It also includes the racing class of the pilot's glider.

A complete suite of graphics programs displays overall, or detailed zoom views of the flight in plan and elevation views. A typical detail view is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Copy of PC Screen showing Glider Navigation around a Turnpoint

Detailed information about each position "fix", including graphical representation of fix accuracy can be shown. In this case the flight path is from the middle left side around the turnpoint. The detail information is for the last displayed point at the lower left. The radius of each fix circle is the EPE for that fix. At present, contest volunteers record start and finish times to the nearest second, and check that turnpoints have been properly achieved. This typically takes about 1 minute. Sufficient data exist in the flight recordings and PC databases to completely automate this process.

A recently developed program displays multiple flights on the screen. This is very helpful in analysis of competition strategy. We expect it will also be useful in glider pilot training at all levels. Another program prints scaled flight traces. This permits transparencies to be placed over topographic maps to aid visualization of those sources of rising air which enables gliding flight. In future we expect to provide topographic map information graphically on the PC screen.

Navigation Functions

Most GPS Recorders were installed at the competition site in New Zealand. Pilots had very little time to learn instrument functions. Cockpit stress levels are very high in gliding competition, so ease-of-use was given a higher priority than cost in the physical and functional design of the navigation instrument. The challenge of fitting a highly visible screen and controls into a standard 57 m diameter instrument panel hole led to a custom LCD and local microprocessor. Figure 4. shows the GPS LCD Navigation screen and controls.

Figure 4. The Navigation Display & Controls

We studied low cost GPS receivers available in 1992 and attempted to understand the strengths and weaknesses in each user interface. We decided that it was easier to select Navigation Points by scrolling through a list of non- abbreviated names than to enter a number or an identifier code. This led to 12 character Navigation Point names and the use of a mouse-like control structure.

Navigation functions are controlled by 5 keys using on-screen labeling. LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys move among 28 different types of screens. The UP and DOWN keys modify information shown in each of the screens. GO key function is context dependent. An important design element is that repeated pushes of the GO key always returns to the Primary Navigation screen. This is a great comfort to the new user. In Navigation Point selection screens, the GO key selects the new Navigation Point as well as returning to the Primary screen. For Turnpoint and Task editing functions, the GO key branches to a second set of data entry screens.

Simple TN Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) are faster than Super Twist displays used in laptop PC's. With our custom TN display, we found it was easy to scan up to 4 names/second. A limit of 250 Navigation Points per contest site means it is possible to scroll through all possible points in one minute. Typical contests have only 50 turnpoints, reducing average scroll times to 5 seconds. Landable points are on a different screen list than competition Turnpoints, further reducing average scroll time.

The GPS Recorder computes Distance and Bearing to all available Navigation Points as a background task. Information for the nearest 10 Navigation Points is updated on a faster schedule. This data is sent to the display on a regular schedule consistent with other functions of the recorder. The display is responsible for organizing this data in lists according to Navigation Point attributes. For example, Landable Points are listed in order of distance from the current position. The display µcontroller is dedicated to the screen and keys; this enables very fast key response.

2-seat gliders are arranged with front and rear cockpits. Another benefit of a local µcontroller is that 2 display screens can be used with one GPS Recorder. Each pilot is free to use the display without fear of changing information presented to the other pilot. The single exception to this rule is selection of a new active Navigation Point.

It is impossible for a pilot to learn 28 screens in 5 minutes, so screens were carefully arranged in order of usefulness during flight. Only 3-5 screens are needed for basic operation. Non-cryptic labeling and consistent control actions make it easy to teach basic navigation functions to a pilot with limited English language skills.

The 1995 World Gliding Championships

All competitors were required to carry the Cambridge GPS system. Photographic procedures were in place as a back-up in the event of GPS failure. Of the 91 gliders in the competition, only 20 had GPS Recorders pre-installed. Cambridge staff installed an average of 3 systems/day during December, 1994 and early January, 1995. Competition volunteer did all the flight evaluation using a networked system of 4 IBM PC's. Approximately 880 flights were evaluated. Competition scores were available within 20 minutes of the last pilot's landing. There was one pressure altimeter failure which required opening the standard back-up barograph. Several pilots requested film development, but all flight evaluation was done with the GPS system.

As a result of this success, the decision was made to score the next World Gliding Championships, in St. Auban, France with GPS. The atmospheric conditions at this site are not as spectacular as those in New Zealand. This means that photo evaluation could be used. However, it was felt by the organizers of this future competition that GPS evaluation is a radical improvement over the earlier photo based system.

The 1995 International Gliding Commission (IGC) Meeting

At its March, 1995 Annual Meeting in Paris, the IGC approved new rules permitting GPS evidence to be used for badge and record flights. A committee was also established to evaluate manufacturer's GPS Recorder designs. Procedures for use of each design will be provided by that committee.

At the same meeting, a standard for GPS Recording data files was approved. This standard was developed over the last two years by a group of gliding instrument manufacturers and independent software consultants. The data standard permits flight recording PC files made with one vendor's equipment to be evaluated on another vendor's PC program.


Over the past 3 years a complete flight evaluation system for gliding has been developed by Cambridge Aero Instruments. The system comprises a GPS-based Flight Recorder, a separate navigation display screen, and a PC-based set of database and flight plotting programs.

Trials began in early 1992 and continued for 2 years before the World Gliding Championships in January, 1995. The GPS-based system was a complete success at this competition with no film development being required for flight evaluation.

The FAI and IGC have approved new rules using GPS evidence for validation of badge an record glider flights. It is expected that GPS Flight recording will spread quickly to other branches of sport aviation.


This project could not have been completed without the efforts of two confirmed gliding "nuts", John Good and Rick Sheppe. John did the pioneering prototype design, the early test flights, and wrote the PC software. Rick designed and wrote the GPS Recorder firmware. Phil Schlosser did the hardware design and contributed display software. Thanks also for the support of two IGC delegates, Bernald Smith and John Roake.

Development of a Secure, GPS-Based Flight Recorder for Sport Aviation on

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