Warren-Sugarbush Airport
Rural Route Box 109-3
Warren, Vermont 05674 U.S.A.
Phone: 802-496-7755, FAX: 802-496-6235

Downloading and Installing PC Flight Log Software

You will need a PC running Windows 3.1 with 5 MB of free disk space.

Create a new temporary directory and download the self-extracting archive file caipc311.exe into this directory. Run this file using the Windows File Manager. When the program has finished, refresh the Windows file manager display, by using the F5 key.

You should now see files from the Cambridge Aero Instrument distribution disk, including a file named install.exe. Still using the Windows File Manager, run this file. The CAI installation software will ask you a number of questions. Answer them using the suggested defaults. Your new (or upgraded) Cambridge software is now ready to run. (If you do not use the defaults, it will not be possible to access flight logs directly from your WWW client.)

Note: The Cambridge INSTALL program will automatically upgrade existing Cambridge software, databases, and flight logs. If you do not want this to happen, it is suggested that you rename the directory containing your old Cambridge software prior to installation.

Viewing Flight Logs from a PC WWW Client

Assuming you have installed the Cambridge software, you may view GPS flight logs by following hypertext links, for example Ray Lynskey's Day 1 flight from the 1995 World Gliding Championships in New Zealand. Press Esc to return to your WWW client.

The first time you follow a hypertext link to a GPS flight log, you will get an automatic request to configure a helper application for the type application/x-cai-dollar. In response to this request you should specify to launch the Application C:\CAI\FSELWWW.BAT. You should also specify that this application is associated with the file extension .CAI.

Note: Automatic configuration of helper applications is a feature of most newer WWW client programs, such as Netscape. Older WWW clients are more difficult to configure.

Once you have done this you will be able to access any of the flight logs from the World Gliding Championships in New Zealand, 1995 by following the hypertext links. To get started quickly, use the up-arrow, down-arrow, left-arrow, right-arrow, Enter and ESC keys to move about. Use + and - for zoom control. The function key F1 often invokes context dependent help.

The S key enables single step mode. In this mode, the space bar and number keys step the plot and the + and - keys control the direction. Tab key and Shift-Tab can be used to prune a portion of a flight log. The T key evaluates turnpoints.

After you have installed the Cambridge software, you will have a local copy of the on-line documentation.

You may want to suspend viewing a flight log to run other Windows applications. For example, you may want to disconnect a dial-up Internet connection. You may suspend the Cambridge flight log software by holding down the Alt key and repeatedly pressing the Tab key until the desired application is selected. If you then release both keys the Cambridge software will be minimized and will appear as an MSDOS icon. To resume viewing the flight log, maximize this icon.

Downloading and Viewing Multiple Flight Logs

The Cambridge Aero software includes additional features which can not be invoked directly from a WWW client. These include the ability to control plotting modes and the ability to view several competing gliders simultaneously. To use these features, first down load the interesting file(s) to your PC and then run the Cambridge software.

In more detail:

  1. Use your WWW client to download the desired files to the C:\CAI\FLIGHTS directory.
  2. Bring up an MSDOS Window.
  3. Set the default directory to C:\CAI
  4. Launch the Cambridge software by typing GPS
  5. Use the GPS-NAV MAIN MENU to select the desired operation.
Note: If your system has a LAN or other memory hog, it may be necessary to exit Windows and run the Cambridge software directly under DOS.

Converting Flight Logs to the IGC Standard Format

The Cambridge GPS recorders used in The 1995 World Gliding Championships created flight logs in a proprietary format. The Cambridge PC software can convert flight logs into the new IGC standard format. After downloading the desired flights, launch the Cambridge software from an MSDOS Window and invoke MANAGE THE FLIGHT LOG DATABASE from the main menu.

The IGC standard format is a text file, suitable for processing by most computer applications.

Cambridge Aero PC Software Instructions on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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