This page has pictures of various villages and other daily life scenes. The visit to the Gamole village was especially interesting. I visited with the king of the local tribe.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Painted Tower Towns
Painted tower in one of the towns. (787k)
Larger Local Village
Larger local village. (706k)
Local Settlement
Local settlement. (1205k)
Houses Village Ethiopian Highlands
Houses in a village in the Ethiopian highlands. (971k)
Small Local Village
Small local village. (888k)
Northern Parts Each Homestead
In the northern parts, each homestead had a living house (left), a kitchen building (right) and a storage building (center), surrounded by a stone wall. (1.5M)
Small Village Hamer Tribe
Small village of the Hamer tribe. (910k)
Small Village Hamer Tribe
Small village of the Hamer tribe. (1056k)
Building Village Hamer Tribe
Building in the village of the Hamer tribe. (801k)
Small Village Arbore Tribe
Small village of the Arbore tribe. (875k)
Small Village Arbore Tribe
Small village of the Arbore tribe. (981k)
Building Village Arbore Tribe
Building in the village of the Arbore tribe. (921k)
Village Mursi Tribe
Village of the Mursi tribe. (975k)
Village Simien Mountains
Village in the Simien Mountains. (1136k)
House Simien Mountains Pole
House in the Simien Mountains. The pole on the left with the can on top signifies that they sell the local brew in this place. (934k)
Small House Surrounded Thorn
Small house, surrounded by thorn brush fence. (891k)
Local Houses Houses Built
Local houses. The houses were built in different styles in the different tribal areas in Ethiopia. (1095k)
Local Houses
Local houses. (1182k)
Local House Simien Mountains
Local house in the Simien Mountains. (1076k)
Local House Lalibela
Local house in Lalibela. (944k)
Local Houses
Local houses. (738k)
Local House
Local house. (1113k)
Pounding Cassava
Pounding cassava. (750k)
Cooking Fire House
Cooking fire in the house. (752k)
Interior House
Interior of the house. (754k)
Local House Alaba Tribe
Local house of the Alaba tribe. (567k)
Sleeping Area House Alaba
Sleeping area the house of the Alaba tribe. (725k)
Cooking Area House Alaba
Cooking area the house of the Alaba tribe. (767k)
Living Area House Alaba
Living area the house of the Alaba tribe, with pen for livestock. (770k)
Local House Under Old
Local house under old tree. (1053k)
Larger Local House
Larger local house. (989k)
Cooking Facilities Local House
Cooking facilities in a local house. (665k)
Cooking Implements
Cooking implements. (909k)
Local Houses
Local houses. (1150k)
Local Houses Areas Houses
Local houses. In some areas, houses were build on stilts to keep pests away. (977k)
Local House
Local house. (1373k)
Local House
Local house. (1061k)
Local House
Local house. (1169k)
Local House
Local house. (1008k)
Local House
Local house. (1310k)
Simple Hut Probably Whole
Simple hut. There is probably a whole family living there. (1019k)
Small Church
Small church. (952k)
Straw Harvest Collected Stored
Straw from the harvest is collected and stored. Here it is protected from animals by thorn brush. (1136k)
Straw Protected Animals Putting
Here the straw is protected from animals by putting it up in a tree. (1052k)
Straw Protected Animals Putting
Here the straw is protected from animals by putting it on platforms. (1399k)
Storage Building High Stilts
Storage building on high stilts to protect the food from animals. (1214k)
Straw Kept Inside Fence
Here the straw is kept inside the fence around the compound. (1371k)
Collection Cow Dung
Collection of cow dung. (1317k)
Enclosures Protect Newly Planted
These enclosures protect newly planted trees. (1282k)
Wind Powered Water Pump
Wind powered water pump. (593k)
Language Area Makes Excessive
The language in this area makes excessive use of double vowels. (1021k)
Local Art
Local art. (1006k)
Graves. (1344k)
Sentry Protect Crops
Sentry to protect crops. (974k)
Small School
Small school. (686k)
Teaching Aid School Yard
Teaching aid in the school yard. (1099k)
Restaurant Everybody Eats Fingers
Restaurant. Everybody eats with their fingers, no utensils provided. (666k)
Local Dish Served Flat
Local dish. It is served on flat bread and has various vegetables and meats. (719k)

Gamole village

The Gamole village is inhabited by the Konso people. There are about 4000 people in this village. It is over 800 years old. It is a warren of small paths between stone walls.

The community meting house is also used as "hotel" for visiting important people. I met the local ruler/king/chieftain, who showed me around for a while. They are famous for their "Wakas", wooden statues that they erect on the graves of their leaders and of famous warriors.

In the center of the village is a small square with the Generation Pole. Every 18 years a new pole is erected. They currently have 22 Generation Poles, but more were destroyed by termites.

Families in the village have 1-3 cows 5-8 sheep, few goats. The animals live in the village, they are not brought outside for grazing.

The original village was surrounded by a stone wall. As the village expanded, they built another,larger wall. This last wall was built around 400 years ago. By now the village has expanded beyond that as well and doesn't have an outer wall.

View Village
View of the village. (948k)
Community Meeting House
Community meeting house. (944k)
Buildings. (1107k)
Building Stilts
Building on stilts. (1040k)
Building. (1158k)
Vegetable Garden
Vegetable garden. (1041k)
Path. (1248k)
Path. (1131k)
Playground. (1037k)
Generation Pole
Generation Pole. (742k)
Compound Local King
Compound of the local king. (909k)
Entrance King's Compound
Entrance to the king's compound. (1347k)
Building King's Compound
Building in the king's compound. (1144k)
Building King's Compound
Building in the king's compound. (846k)
Kitchen Implements King's Compound
Kitchen implements in the king's compound. (782k)
Storage Vessels
Storage vessels. (1028k)
Grinding Stones
Grinding stones. (705k)
Fire Place
Fire place. (1025k)
Local King
Local king. (1050k)
Grave Markers Ancestors Local
Grave markers of the ancestors of the local king. (1490k)
Grave Markers Ancestors Local
Grave markers of the ancestors of the local king. (1130k)
Older Grave Markers Ancestors
Older grave markers of the ancestors of the local king. (1.6M)
Oldest Grave Markers Ancestors
Oldest grave markers of the ancestors of the local king. (1.6M)

Dorze Village

The main income for the village is cotton and wool weaving. The second most important is traditional dances, the third is pottery.

The houses in the Dorze village have a unique style. They are made from bamboo for the structure and false banana leaves for the roofing. The houses are originally 12 m (39 ft) high. As they grow older, they sink down, as termites eat at the supporting poles. The tall house is about 50 years old, the small one on the left is 90 years old. The houses are shaped like an elephant. The eyes are windows for ventilation. Building such a house tapes 2-3 months. It lasts 70 - 120 years. The roof lasts 20-50 years. Kitchens are not in the main house, they are separate buildings (left). The houses have an inside area for cattle. The small fire inside is for making coffee, not for regular cooking. They can be moved if the termites get too bad.

The false bananas are used for many things, including food, housing and fibers. The stems are shaved to make porridge and a kind of flat bread. The shaved stem is put in leaves and buried for 3 months to cure it. The porridge is then spread on leaves and pressed to make a flat bread, which is then baked.

Houses Dorze Village Had
These houses in a Dorze village had a very distinct style. (892k)
Dorze House
Dorze house. (972k)
Interior House Dorze Village
Interior of the house in the Dorze village. (604k)
Interior House Dorze Village
Interior of the house in the Dorze village. (902k)
Calabashes House Dorze Village
Calabashes in the house in the Dorze village. (792k)
Guest House Using Local
Guest house using local huts. (1075k)
Dorze Woman Spinning Yarn
Dorze woman spinning yarn. (1078k)
Young Starting Well
The young one is starting as well. (936k)
Dorze Man Showing Traditional
Dorze man showing traditional dance. (1006k)
Weaving Cloth Dorze Village
Weaving cloth in the Dorze village. (927k)
Making Clay Pots Figures
Making clay pots and figures in the Dorze village. (755k)
Market Dorze Village
Market in the Dorze village. (1057k)
Livestock Trading
Livestock trading. (1061k)
Pottery Sale
Pottery for sale. (1003k)
Pots Huge
Some of the pots are huge. (993k)
Cloth Clothes Sale
Cloth and clothes for sale. (1051k)
Raw Cotton Sale
Raw cotton for sale. (1056k)
Yarn Sale
Yarn for sale. (955k)
Construction Bamboo Sale
Construction bamboo for sale. (1337k)
Kids Fetching Water
Kids fetching water. (1206k)
False Banana Plants
False banana plants. (1162k)
Shaving False Banana Stem
Shaving the false banana stem. (960k)
Buried 3 Months Ready
This was buried for 3 months. It is now ready to be used. (1007k)
Preparing Porridge Make Bread
Preparing the porridge to make the bread. (1055k)
Spreading Porridge
Spreading the porridge. (1073k)
Pressing Thin Sheet
Pressing it in a thin sheet. (1051k)
Baking Bread
Baking the bread. (918k)

Falasha (Ethiopian Jews) village

Wolleka is a former Falasha village (Ethiopian Jews), a village of black Jews. However, there are no Jews remaining there, they were all moved to Israel in the 1980s.

Sign Falasha Village
Sign for the Falasha village. (1168k)
Falasha Village
In the Falasha village. (1140k)


Road Between Aksum Simien
Road between Aksum and the Simien Mountains. (751k)
Road Construction
Road construction. (676k)
Road Construction
Road construction. (1049k)
Road Construction
Road construction. (1152k)
Blasting Road Construction
Blasting for road construction. (764k)
We Had Wait About
We had to wait for about ½ hour before they cleared the debris from the blasting. (1252k)
Finally Road Clear Again
Finally the road was clear again. (1003k)
Road Construction Workers Built
Road construction workers built these little shelters along the road. (938k)
Road Traffic Lot Foot
Road traffic. There was a lot of foot traffic and livestock on all the roads. (621k)
Pedestrian Bridge
Pedestrian bridge. (1239k)
Dry Season So Roads
It was dry season, so the roads were mostly dusty, (503k)
But Occasionally Quick Rain
But occasionally there was a quick rain shower. (845k)
Sometimes Came Buckets
Sometimes it came down in buckets. (528k)
Roads Paved Difficult Negotiate
Many roads were not paved, some where difficult to negotiate. (1045k)
Men Women Carried Loads
Men and women carried loads. (914k)
Women Carried Fairly Heavy
Some women carried fairly heavy loads. (1081k)
Load Child Top
Load with the child on top. (788k)
Lighter Load
This was a lighter load. (1186k)
Water Frequently Had Carried
Water frequently had to be carried long distances. (1194k)
Loads Looked Quite Awkward
Some loads looked quite awkward to carry. (855k)
Carried Kind Animals Contraption
He carried some kind of animals in this contraption. (620k)
Loads Huge
Some loads were huge. (1098k)
Homebuilt Wheelbarrow
Homebuilt wheelbarrow. (713k)
Homebuilt Wheelbarrow
Homebuilt wheelbarrow. (960k)
Donkey. (916k)
Donkey. (1013k)
Donkey Large Load
Donkey with a large load. (676k)
Bamboo Poles Dragged Along
These bamboo poles dragged along on the road. (742k)
Didn't See Riders Very
I didn't see riders very often. (984k)
Camels Very Frequent
Camels where not very frequent. (906k)
Motorcycles Popular
Motorcycles were popular. (1130k)
Lots Horse-drawn Carts
Lots of horse-drawn carts. (1029k)
Area Boys Always Stood
In one area the boys always stood on their carts, instead of sitting. (807k)
Lots Scooter Taxis
Lots of these scooter taxis. (790k)
Our Toyota 4x4
This was our Toyota 4x4. (1133k)
Three Types Buses Green
There were three types of buses: The green buses were the most expensive ones. The make the least stops. (694k)
Yellow Buses Least Expensive
The yellow buses were the least expensive one. They make the most stops. (721k)
Blue Buses Priced Middle
The blue buses were the priced in the middle. (627k)
Isuzu Truck Driver Called
Isuzu truck. My driver called them "Al Qaeda", because they create havoc on the roads, being involved in many accidents. (613k)
"al Qaeda" Accident
An "Al Qaeda" accident. (805k)
"al Qaeda" Accident
Another "Al Qaeda" accident. (1025k)
Trucks Pretty Big
Some of the trucks were pretty big. (938k)
Local Bus
Local bus. (646k)
Boats Quite Primitive
Some of the boats were quite primitive. (923k)
Boats Quite Primitive
Some of the boats were quite primitive. (808k)
Kayak Made Reeds
A kayak made from reeds. (763k)
Reed Boat Used Transporting
This reed boat was used for transporting quite a lot of goods. (524k)
Regular Motorboat
Regular motorboat. (1127k)

Livestock and Agriculture

Stored Straw Previous Harvest
Stored straw from previous harvest. (1064k)
Bananas. (1494k)
Papaya (Carica papaya)
Papayas (Carica papaya, german: Papaya, french: Papayer). (1271k)
Corn Harvest
Corn harvest. (1193k)
Corn Harvest
Corn harvest. (1202k)
Vegetable Garden
Vegetable garden. (1155k)
Farming Terraces
Farming terraces. (1000k)
Carrying Simple Plow
He is carrying a simple plow. (862k)
Banana Plantation
Banana plantation. (841k)
Banana Harvest Truck
Banana harvest truck. (927k)
Khat Harvest Drug Mostly
Khat harvest, a drug that is mostly exported to Djibouti. (1357k)
Bee Hives Tree
Bee hives in a tree. (916k)
Bee Hives Tree
Bee hives in a tree. (1213k)
Bee Hive Tree
Bee hive in a tree. (1392k)
Sheep. (935k)
Goat. (1082k)
Angora Goats
Angora goats. (936k)
Donkeys. (1118k)
Livestock Road
Livestock on the road. (787k)
Cow Around Town
Cow around town. (932k)
Watusi Cattle (Bos taurus africanus)
Watusi Cattle (Bos taurus africanus, german: Hausrind, french: Vache). (1076k)
Watusi Cattle (Bos taurus africanus)
Watusi Cattle (Bos taurus africanus, german: Hausrind, french: Vache) used for plowing. (1209k)
Livestock Road Including Dromedary
Livestock on the road, including a dromedary. (774k)
Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius, german: Dromedar, french: Dromadaire). (1134k)

Daily Life

Getting Water Well
Getting water from the well. (1070k)
Getting Water River
Getting water from the river. (1003k)
Pumping Water All Done
Pumping water. This is all done by women. (1311k)
Bathing River
Bathing in the river. (906k)
Washing Clothes River
Washing clothes in the river. (1099k)
Playing Games
Playing games. (991k)
Hanging Market Smoking Water
Hanging out at the market, smoking the water pipe. (1082k)

This page contains 189 pictures with 3 species

Main page for ኢትዮጵያ (Ethiopia)

Page last updated on Mon Apr 20 12:10:49 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
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