The tour was completely dedicated to bird watching, I didn't have much contact with people. Here are a few pictures.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Daily Life

Simple House
Simple house. (843k)
Simple House Saw Houses
Simple house. I saw houses like these a lot away from the cities. (1243k)
Banca Buildings Everywhere Lottery
These "banca" buildings were everywhere. They are lottery vendors. (757k)
Simple Hotel Loro Tuerto
Simple hotel Loro Tuerto in Barahona. (910k)
Bar Loro Tuerto
The bar in Loro Tuerto. (804k)
Interior Courtyard Loro Tuerto
Interior courtyard in Loro Tuerto. (931k)
Outdoor Restaurants Parque Colón
Outdoor restaurants in the Parque Colón in Santo Domingo. (1040k)
Outdoor Restaurant Pedestrian Zone
Outdoor restaurant in a pedestrian zone in Santo Domingo. (1113k)
Advertising Stilts
Advertising on stilts. (1010k)
Children Playing Fountain
Children playing in a fountain. (1014k)
Collecting White Soil Haiti
Collecting white soil in Haiti. According to my guide this is used as fertilizer. (976k)
Border Between Haiti Dominican
Border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. On the left is the Dominican Republic with dense vegetation, on the right is the denuded Haiti. (1022k)


Pack Horse
Pack horse. (1.6M)
Motorcycles Everywhere Main Mode
Motorcycles were everywhere. They are a main mode of transportation. (1079k)
Roads Bird Watching Sites
Some of the roads to bird watching sites were bad. (1.6M)
Roads Bird Watching Sites
Some of the roads to bird watching sites were very bad. (1.6M)


Farm Workers Working Vegetable
Farm workers working a vegetable field. (1282k)
Corn Field
Corn field. (1.6M)
Plantain Field
Plantain field. (949k)
Mango Orchard
Mango orchard. (1266k)
Goats Crossing Street
Goats crossing the street. (903k)
Cows Pasture
Cows in a pasture. (1.6M)
Cow Forest
Cow in the forest. (1.8M)

This page contains 23 pictures

Dominican Republic
Main page for República Dominicana (Dominican Republic)

Page last updated on Tue Jul 26 16:01:44 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

People in Dominican Republic on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website